Bush Regeneration: Preventing Pest Infestation and Plant Diseases

28 November 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Pest infestations and disease can compromise the rehabilitation of natural bushland. The pests will consume the flora, causing the degradation of the regenerating land. Diseases might not cause apparent damage after initial infection, but the plants will not grow and develop as expected. Luckily, you can establish some measures to prevent these problems. Here are some practical guidelines on avoiding the detriments of pests and diseases on your land.

Create Optimal Growth Conditions

You should ensure that your land has optimal growth conditions for your plants. This practice will minimise the risk of disease and pest infestation. In simple terms, if your bushes are healthy, they are more likely to withstand adverse attacks. Also, the chances of recovery after an outbreak will be higher. You should pay attention to the moisture content, soil pH, sun and shading, nutrients and soil type. It is also essential to note healthy soils will not be conducive for the growth of some harmful microorganisms and pests. 

Avoid Including Alien Plants

You should be careful not to include alien species in your bushland. In general, native plants can withstand the attack of local diseases and pests. They have adapted and have different features to repel the common dangers. On the other hand, alien species have no real defences because they did not develop in the same environment. If a disease or pest attacks, they will be affected immediately and spread the infestation to the entire land. Therefore, choose plants which naturally grow in your local area.

Attract Some Beneficial Wildlife

You should think about attracting some beneficial wildlife into your regenerating bushland. This process can help control  common pests and the diseases they harbour. In simple terms, your land cannot avoid contact with common pests such as harmful insects forever, even if you take all possible precautions. However, if you attract the natural predators of the pests into your land, you will prevent the adverse effects which would develop due to the pests. Frogs, ladybirds and birds can help prevent infestations.

Prevent Spread of Disease and Pests

Finally, you should promote good practices that minimise the risk of disease and pest communication from other places into your land. Often, the animals and microorganisms which become established in a regenerating bushland come from farms and general natural environments. You should minimise the use of contaminated equipment and tools and monitor the condition of propagation material and compost intended for use in your property.

If your bushland is experiencing infestations, consult a bush regeneration professional, such as at companies like EcoHort Pty Ltd.
